Welcome to The Art Gallery of Rhonda Bates

Welcome to the paintings of Rhonda Bates we hope you enjoy your visit here. The quote above by Baruch Spinoza defines Rhonda's artistic philosophy and carries her through each day.
Rhonda Bates has been an artist all her life. Her paintings over her lifetime range from water colors, pastels to her current oil canvases featured on this virtual art gallery. Rhonda lives with her husband Wes and her three Chihuahua's on Hatteras Island located on North Carolina's Outer Banks where she also owns Red Drum Pottery and Coffee in Frisco NC. If that's not enough she also owns "Community Yoga"; it is a yoga studio that sits within her art gallery on the picturesque Manteo Waterfront on Roanoke Island. Rhonda is a graduate of the Corcoran School of Art in downtown DC across from the White House.
So whether she's painting, making and decorating pots, teaching Asana's, baking bread or painting amazing oil paintings having Rhonda's artists touch on anything; is how she lovingly connects with us all.
By appointment: text 252 256 0148 for arrangements
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